Metal door lock close up


The first thing that you need to know to understand lock grades, is that not all locks are the same in terms of quality. The locks that you see at your local hardware store that you can get for cheap can’t compare to the locks that are provided by the experts at The Flying Locksmiths, simply because they vary in overall quality.


In order to understand how locks are classified into the various grades, we need to understand how a lock’s quality is measured.

The main categories that determine a lock’s quality and durability are:

  • Cycle count (number of uses before the hardware breaks)
  • Functional strength
  • Security
  • Dimension
  • Finish requirements

The BHMA (Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association), a nationally recognized organization for its leadership role in ensuring the quality and performance of builders hardware, developed the hardware grading system to properly classify the quality & durability of various products based on those categories above. That’s why lock Grade is the most important part of determining the correct lock for your needs.

There are three different hardware grades:

  • Grade 1: Heavy-duty commercial
  • Grade 2: Light-duty commercial
  • Grade 3: Residential


Each grade of lock meets a specific set of needs. For example, Grade 3 locks are a basic form of security, and are the kind of lock that you can easily find at your local hardware store and purchase for a relatively cheap price. However, if you’re looking for a higher level of security for your home or business, that’s where Grade 2 and 1 come in, which are the kinds of locks that you can get from The Flying Locksmiths.

When finding the right locks for your home or business, always consider what your needs are. If you want to make your home more secure, opt for a Grade 2 lock at least for the doors to the outside. As for inside the house, it’s unlikely that your bathroom or closet door is going to need
a high level of security, so a simple Grade 3 lock will do a suitable job.

If you have any questions about what locks to get for you home or business or are looking to improve your security, just contact us or call at 1-800-649-5397